16:02:54 From Koen Leuveld to Everyone : https://vunet.login.vu.nl/themes/pages/standaard.aspx?cid=tcm%3a164-958255-16&category=tcm:164-916701-1024& 16:25:56 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : You can publish the reviews you get, e.g. https://renebekkers.wordpress.com/global-giving/ 16:26:41 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : Or reviews before data collection -> registered reports 16:27:51 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : Meta-Psychology has a completely open and transparent review process 16:28:03 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : https://open.lnu.se/index.php/metapsychology/about 16:28:33 From Tilo Hartmann to Everyone : elife example: https://elifesciences.org/articles/62019#sa1 16:31:19 From Peter Kerkhof to Everyone : I’m afraid I have to leave, had this only in my agenda for half an hour. Thanks for this initiative! 16:33:46 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : Preregistration for Qualitative Research Template https://osf.io/j7ghv/ 16:34:08 From Martin Tanis to Everyone : same for me. thanks for organizing! 16:35:12 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : Q: how is teaching included in the Open Science program? 16:36:26 From Ewa Miedzobrodzka to Everyone : Perhaps a solution could be pre-registration of students’ theses (proposals)? 16:37:43 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : Here is the agenda that we published at the beginning of the year: https://academic.oup.com/joc/advance-article/doi/10.1093/joc/jqz052/5803422#200712879 16:38:04 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : May be applicable to other social sciences as well (not just communication). The references provide also more information. 16:39:15 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : This is also a good paper about preregistering qualitative research: https://doi-org.vu-nl.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/08989621.2019.1580147 16:39:18 From Marjo de Theije to Everyone : Interesting sharing of ideas and suggestions but I have another meeting too … (will look the recording later). 16:41:20 From Christine Moser to Everyone : Same here! Could you please save and circulate the chat with the useful references? Thank you! 16:41:57 From Isjah Koppejan to Koen Leuveld(Direct Message) : Can you save the chat? 16:42:22 From Koen Leuveld to Everyone : I will save the cat and post it to the website 16:42:33 From Ewa Miedzobrodzka to Everyone : https://aspredicted.org/ 16:42:35 From Koen Leuveld to Everyone : https://vunet.login.vu.nl/themes/pages/standaard.aspx?cid=tcm%3a164-958255-16&category=tcm:164-916701-1024& 16:43:50 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : If not already known, the Center for Open Science is obviously a rich resource for everything related to open science: https://www.cos.io/ 16:45:20 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : www.osf.io -> The platform Sander is just talking about 16:46:56 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : With the Research Ethics Review Committee we have analyzed the availability of research data for publications of our Faculty. In follow up semi-structured interviews we have gathered evidence on the obstacles for researchers to provide access to research data. I will be happy to talk about the insights we gained in a future seminar. They will help us increase adoption of open science practices in disciplines that are lagging behind. 16:47:24 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : Currently less than 10% of empirical publications actually provide access to research data. 16:47:33 From Philipp Masur to Everyone : Very interesting, Rene! Would love to learn more about this. 16:53:26 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : The 8% seems low, but it is an infinite increase compared to 2013/2014, when it was 0% 16:54:24 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : In the report we can segment the data by Department 16:55:10 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : We have not done so yet because the more important factor is the type of data used, not the disciplinary background 16:57:34 From Ewa Miedzobrodzka to Everyone : https://openscience-amsterdam.com/resources/ 17:00:19 From Rene Bekkers to Everyone : Thanks everyone, I will have to go now 17:01:17 From Marjolein Broese van Groenou to Everyone : I learned a lot, will continue bringing this up in our department; thanks 17:02:09 From Sander Bosch to Everyone : s.e.bosch@vu.nl